Art Direction + Graphic Design

Info + Contact

—  About me and how to get in touch

—  About

My legal name is Xin Yi, but I prefer Emily. Im a New York based graphic designer. I spent most of my High School days with my friends in the art rooms and eating a lot of Chinese food. I graduated from the Fashion Institute of Technology where I spent many late nights in the library, while eating Halal and chipotle. Now I spend 2 or 3 days a week at the gym for everything I do not regret eating. I have passion and experience in print, digital, art directing photo shoots, painting and commissioning illustrators. 




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A few things that describe me.

I’m just another paper cut survivor

My life was changed by a train

Always give your 100%, unless you’re donating blood.

I’m not glad it’s “Friday” I’m glad it’s “Today”.


Food enthusiast. 

Friendly social media scholar. 

Problem solver. Thinker.

Friend. Passionista!

Lifestyle lover. Life Liver. 

Keeping it simple & positive and living life with no regrets. 

I speak in emojis :)

Proud tv fan. Youtube addict. 

Always have to remind myself to drink more water. 


Let's chat.  

—  I’d love to hear from you



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